Musikerroller under omprövning.

En analys av förändrade musikersubjekt under 1960- och 70-talen, särskilt inom den progressiva musikrörelsen


  • Alf Arvidsson


Musicians’ roles reconsidered: an analysis of the changing musician-subjects in
the 1960’s and 70’s, especially within the swedish progressive music movement
The study and analysis of musicans’ roles is proposed and elaborated in this study. By combining role analysis with Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of fields of cultural production, and Michel Foucault’s concepts of discourse and subject-position, the variation and differentiation within a musical style, subculture or movement can be studied as a multitude of possible positions within a field. Competition between and inflation of musicians is diminished when there are differing roles avialable. A Musician’s role is understood as a set of expectations, of what kind of music is played, in what way of performance, to what audience, by whom. The latter aspect is here further studied as a combination of communicated attitude towards music, relation to and behaviour towards the audience, and the identification of musician with the music, especially through the voice of the song lyrics. As an example, the swedish progressive music movements of the 1970’s is analysed as a system of different roles exposing political consciousness, authenticity, musical creativity and a non-hierarcical attitude towards the audience.

Author Biography

Alf Arvidsson

Alf Arvidsson är professor i etnologi vid Umeå universitet, med huvudsaklig inriktning på folkloristik och musiketnologi. Bland hans arbeten finns bland annat Sågarnas sång: Folklige musicerande i sågverkssamhället Holmsund 1850–1980 (Umeå 1991), Folklorens former (Lund 1999) och Från dansmusik till konstnärligt uttryck: Framväxten av ett jazzmusikaliskt fält i Umeå 1920–1960. (Umeå 2002).




How to Cite

Arvidsson, A. (2007). Musikerroller under omprövning.: En analys av förändrade musikersubjekt under 1960- och 70-talen, särskilt inom den progressiva musikrörelsen. Svensk Tidskrift för Musikforskning Swedish Journal of Music Research, 89, 30–49. Retrieved from


