Äldre rödgods från Studentholmen i Uppsala

-en undersökning av proviniens genom XRF och ICP analys


  • Joakim Kjellberg Upplandsmuseet/Medeltidsmuseet
  • Erik Johansson Lunds universitet, Arkeologiska ins´titutionen
  • Torbjörn Brorsson Nat och föreståndare för Kontoret för Keramiska studier (KKS)
  • Thomas Stevens Institutionen för geovetenskaper vid Uppsala Universitet.




Keramik, Äldre rödgods, early glazed redwares, ICP analysis, XRF analysis


Early glazed redwares from Studentholmen in Uppsala- an evaluation of provenance using XRF and ICP analysis. The assemblage of pottery from Studentholmen, excavated by Knut Stjerna in 1907, contains one of the largest and most varied collections of medieval ledglazed redwares from the medieval town of Uppsala. Previous have pointed to the similarities in form and technology with the larger productions centers in western Europe as well as to the possibilities that some of the less elaborately decorated pitchers and jugs might be locally produced. A study, aimed at establishing the provenance of the material by using handheld XRF for a non-destructive screening of the larger material and following ICP-analysis from identified and selected groups have been conducted in 2023. The study shows that the main centers for production of the vessels in Studentholmen where northern Germany and Netherlands. Further the study shows methodological potential for cost effective analyses of large assemblages of early redwares in the future, thus making more materials in museum collections available for much needed research.




Referera så här

Kjellberg, J., Johansson, E., Brorsson, T., & Stevens, T. (2024). Äldre rödgods från Studentholmen i Uppsala: -en undersökning av proviniens genom XRF och ICP analys. META – Historiskarkeologisk Tidskrift , 61–78. https://doi.org/10.59008/meta.2024.19783


