Gutnaltinget i Roma och andra tingsplatser på Gotland


  • Majvor Östergren


The Gutnal Assembly in Roma and other assembly sites on Gotland. This paper is about the assembly sites of Gutnaltinget, and the local things on Gotland during the Viking Age and the Middle Ages. It highlights research in recent years. Archaeological investigations at Roma kungsgård in the middle of Gotland have resulted in new knowledge of the assembly site of the top-level thing, Gutnaltinget. In an area of 250/300 x 400 metres (Roma RAÄ 85), 491 Viking Age weights, most cubo-octahedral, and 390 Viking Age silver coins, most fragments of Islamic coins, have been found.

In order to put Roma and Gutnaltinget in a larger context, an attempt has been made to locate the assembly sites in the landscape of the 20 local things on Gotland. The starting point has been names with the lead "things" in the historical map material, mainly the maps from the time around 1700. After that, the ancient monuments have been studied at each location. In total, half of the local assembly sites have been located together with three and possibly four of the things on a higher level. Further studies need to be carried out, mainly with regard to the chronological analysis.




Referera så här

Östergren, M. (2020). Gutnaltinget i Roma och andra tingsplatser på Gotland . META – Historiskarkeologisk Tidskrift , 9–30. Hämtad från


