The revised versions of Kurt Atterberg’s symphonies

Democratic education towards music as a language of us all


  • Carola Finkel


Kurt Atterberg, Sinfonia piccola, Sinfonia funebre, Sinfonia romantica, 20th century symphony, Swedish composer, revision, editing


Kurt Atterberg made subsequent changes to six of his nine symphonies ranging from small retouches to fundamental modifications. The focus of the article is on the Symphonies Nos 4, 5 and 7, which were revised by the composer years after they were published. Since these revisions seem to be still relatively unknown, performances and recordings often utilise out-dated material. The article reconstructs the history of these works and shows the main differences between the original and the revised versions. Surprisingly there are also different performing options concerning the fourth and the seventh symphony.


Carola Finkel

Carola Finkel studied music and geography in Frankfurt am Main and defended her doctoral thesis about Kurt Atterberg’s symphonies in 2013. She is lecturer at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt (Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts) and research fellow at the local Palestrina Research Institute. She received a scholarship for Jan./Feb. 2015 at the Casa di Goethe in Rome to research the relation of Scandinavian composers to Rome. Her main research interests are Nordic music in the 19th and 20th century, baroque dance and the history of brass instruments.




Referera så här

Finkel, C. (2015). The revised versions of Kurt Atterberg’s symphonies: Democratic education towards music as a language of us all. Svensk Tidskrift för Musikforskning Swedish Journal of Music Research, 97, 45–59. Hämtad från




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