Att bilda eller bedöma?
Om skapandet av demokratiska medborgare
General didactics, Subject didactics, Curriculum theory, Assessment and grading, KlafkiAbstract
In this article we take a closer look at the relation between general didactics and civic studies education through a critical analysis of civic studies syllabuses in primary education, in order to illuminate some general motives that legitimizes the role and content of general didactics. It seems to us that the idea of general didactics in Sweden either is about learning theories for instruction, regardless the subject, or to emancipate the democratic potentiality of the subject. In his article, we focus on the latter: First we present our theoretical perspective. With the help from Klafki’s understandings of school as an engaging part of democratic society we discern two aspects of general didactics. In relation to education, one emanates from democracy and learning, and the other springs from democratic virtues and political action. Secondly, and with these two understandings in mind, we engage in a critical reading of the Curriculum for compulsory school (LGR 11) and the syllabuses for civic studies in primary education in order to trace some similarities that might give civic studies a central position for democratic socialization in general. Thirdly, and through our analysis, we reach the conclusion that, due to the similarities between the curricula and syllabus when it comes to foster the democratic subject, the pupil risks not only to be evaluated and graded subject wise, but also for his or her democratic disposition.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jonas Nordmark, Linda Jonsson, Niclas Månsson
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