Exploring the Research Landscape of the General Didactics Network at NERA
General Didactics, Curriculum & Pedagogy, educational research, interdisciplinary approach, empirical inquiry, teaching effectiveness.Abstract
This study explores the research landscape of the Nordic Educational Research Association's "General Didactics" network. Using a mixed-methods approach, the paper analyzes 79 research presentations to identify key themes, methodologies, and trends in the field. The research reveals a strong focus on Curriculum and Pedagogy, Didaktik and Bildung, and Assessment and Feedback in Education. Descriptive and case study designs dominate the methodological approaches, with qualitative methods such as interviews and observations being most prevalent. The network's research demonstrates a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and the integration of Didaktik principles in various educational contexts. Notable findings include the emphasis on teacher education, the impact of Didaktik-informed curricula on student motivation and critical thinking, and the exploration of classroom processes through a Didaktik lens. The study highlights the network's contribution to advancing the understanding of Didaktik in practical educational settings and its role in shaping contemporary educational discourse. The paper concludes by suggesting future directions for research within the General Didactics network, emphasizing the need for more experimental and longitudinal studies to complement existing qualitative insights.
Key words: General Didactics, Curriculum & Pedagogy, educational research, interdisciplinary approach, empirical inquiry, teaching effectiveness.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Tobias Werler

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