Ansvar för arbetet med extra anpassning i skolans praktik
Adapt teaching, Teachers' work, Responsibility, Student diversity, Special needs education, Policy enactmentAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyse the challenging process of assigning responsibility for additional adjustments in everyday school practice. The analysis focuses on the negotiations among practising teachers, special education teachers, and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) regarding responsibility for adaptations and support. Data were collected through focus group interviews based on a vignette and analysed using key concepts from the theory of policy enactment. The results demonstrate that these professionals exhibit their ability to adapt to the local context while negotiating the responsibilities they believe should align with their professional expertise. Depending on the contextual conditions of the schools, they both claim and resist taking responsibility for various tasks related to support measures for additional adjustments. The findings highlight the complexity of the collaborative efforts required by different professional categories to manage the compensatory task of meeting the diverse needs of all students and ensuring equitable education.
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