Perspektiv på handledning och den handleddes roller i lärarutbildningens verksamhetsförlagda delar
handledning, roll, lärarutbildning, verksamhetsförlagd utbildning, förväntningar, makt, inflytandeAbstract
Within teacher education supervision of teacher students is a central and appreciated element. It is also witnessed as a dilemma when the academy meets supervisors in schools with different perspectives and expectations. The area of interest of the present study is to identify different perspectives on supervision roles among supervisors and teacher students in relation to expectation, power and influence. The question is how we can describe and understand the roles of teacher students from different supervision perspectives during work integrated learning activities at schools. A conceptual starting point has been taken from Foucault’s power perspective and empirical data is related to analysis of interviews and documents. The results from the study shows that the roles of teacher students can be understood on the basis of subordinated management and a lower degree of scientific approach and are referred to roles as assistants and apprentices. Secondly, the roles can be understood as equal management based on a higher degree of scientific approach and be referred to as colleagues and co-researchers. One conclusion is that the four ways of understanding the different roles of teacher students are something that should be understood over time and that the roles can vary from situation to situation.
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