Beröringspraktiker i sexuella narrativ
Reflektioner kring ett påbörjat fältarbete om sexuella känslor och njutning
beröringspraktiker, sexualitet, sexuella narrativ, kroppspolitikAbstract
In this article I investigate how tactile practices appear in an ongoing ethnographic study on sex to inquire what touch does in the sexual narratives among women and trans* people. As sexualization is routine in society I seek the political subjectivity in every day life sexual experiences. Touch is often considered to underline a presupposed intention, which risks to attribute some touches to certain bodies in a categorical way, rather than exploring the dynamic potential between sensational, emotional and sociocultural knowledge production. Engaging in feminist theories of Irigaray, Ahmed, Stryker and Sedgwick, among others, my trajectory is to turn to the stories of sexual experiences for a closer examination of how touches could revamp a knowledge production of the sexual embodied self rather than reproduce fixed discursive representations.
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