”Vi har ikke noe imot de homofile”. Heteroprivilegier i undervisning om homoseksualitet i norsk skole
sexualundervisning, heteronormer, queerteoriAbstract
Research on schooling and sexuality has for the last 10–15 years documented and discussed how heterosexualities in different ways are being privileged in teaching and textbooks. Scandinavian scholars have in particular pointed out the discrepancy between general ”homotolerance” in Nordic countries and reproduction of ”heteroprivileges” in Nordic schools. This article presents, in short, how sexuality has been addressed in Norwegian schools. The main object of the article, however, is to discuss how heterosexualities are being privileged in teaching in Norwegian schools, even when the teaching intends not to discriminate non-heterosexualities. ”Homotolerance” is seen as the goal of Norwegian teaching on (homo)sexuality and not as a problematic reproduction of privileged heterosexuality. The article concludes by reflections on how future and happiness are seen as equivalent to ”heterosexuality”, and argues that Norwegian schools reproduce rather than challenge this idea.
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