Samkönat partnervåld. Vad är det och vilket stöd behövs?
samkönat parrelationsvåld, heteronormativitet, lhbt, stöd och hjälp, behandlareAbstract
Violence in same-sex relationships – what is it and which kind of support is needed? In the following study we show some of the similarities as well as differences between same-sex partner abuse and different-sex partner abuse. We point at the responsibility that authorities and voluntary organizations has for not treating lesbians, homosexual men, bisexual women and men and transsexual women and men (lhbt) in a homophobic way. The lhbt-organizations in turn are not homophobic, but are not well informed about questions that concern partner violence. The respondents in the study also point to the fact that the lhbt-circle is rather small in Sweden. Therefore they fear they have to give up their anonymity to get help and support if they contact an lhbt-organization. This underlines that authorities and heterosexual organizations in general must see to that they get the proper lhbt-competence to meet the needs of victims of same-sex partner abuse.
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