Genusforskning inom teknisk fakultet: en kunskapspolitisk utmaning


  • Elisabeth Gulbrandsen Blekinge tekniska högskola Teknovetenskapliga studier
  • Lena Trojer Blekinge tekniska högskola Teknovetenskapliga studier
  • Christina Björkman Blekinge tekniska högskola Teknovetenskapliga studier
  • Pirjo Elovaara Blekinge tekniska högskola Teknovetenskapliga studier



genus, genusforskning, feministisk forskning, feministisk teknovetenskap, teknovetenskap, forskningsförändring, forskning och politik, vetenskap och samhälle, teknik, teknikvetenskap, forskningspolitik, epistemologi, innovationssystem


The paper elucidates the potentials of feminist techno-science for integrating knowledge production and production of politics within the domains of technology and engineering. This work of integration demands and stimulates development of additionaltheoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. The paper introduces the fundamental themes of feminist technoscience as a force that can potentially transform research. An introduction to the connection of research and politics with a reversed logic is given. This discussion formulates a foundation for the understandings of knowledge production at present time, which the authors identify as late modernity, and in which feminist techno-science play a relevant role. The paper concludes with a discussion on the two main concepts for feminist techno-science, namely "situated knowledges" and "technologies of humility".


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