Teknik och emancipation. Doing gender som interaktivt förändringsarbete
In what way are gender and technology interrelated? What kind of knowledge is highly valued in the field of technical sciences? How can we achieve a deeper understanding of the meanings of technology? How do the actors and their values and beliefs on the concept of technology influence the production of knowledge in this field? A feministic approach to these questions implies a critical perspective, which makes the formål and informat structures of power surrounding the production of knowledge visible. A fruitful tool in the processes around scientific emancipation is the methodological approach of interactive research. In combination with the theoretical perspective of "doing-gender" this approach facilitates a different view on knowledge, where theories are built on practical experiences. Due to the valuation of the practical local knowledge, as well as theoretical knowledge, the interactive approach opens up for democratic development. It is necessary to be aware of the relations of power between the different actors, including the researcher subject, as it has a strong influence on the outcome of the knowledge production. With the help of the broader view on knowledge, offered by feminist theory, it is possible to develop the concept of technology. An emancipatory change requires work on different levels, (i) the individual, (ii) the organisational and (iii) the scientific and it demands knowledge of what meanings gender has in relation to the organisation and to the technology.
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