MOLNET - att föreläsa om feministisk forskning
In this article a model called "the cloud" has been developed in order to demonstrate a very concrete problem when trying to put across knowledge derived from feminist research. The cloud represents all the preconceived notions that the audience has in connection with the word "feminism". By bringing these into the open and analysing them, these ideas can be made to illuminate the presentation, not to hinder it. Starting with definitions of feminism in the areas of politics, ideology or research the cloud of preconcieved notions can be penetrated at least for the time being The model originates from a specific situation, lecturing on feminist criticism, but the model is applicable also elsewhere. Generally it can be extended to cover other areas that are sensitive or enmeshed in populär mythologies. As a general model the cloud is a tool that will help us to articulate common beliefs around phenomena to make way for knowledge based on research.
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