Rum med utsikter - modulationer på ett grundtema
This a r t i d e presents a framewot k f o r analysing spatially f o r m e d g e n d e r relations. On the same labour märket the o p p o r t u n i t i e s for m e n and women who have b e e n laid off f r om their work place differ. But these gender-related opportunities also vary f r om place to place; g e n d e r constitutes d i f f e r e n t labour märket structures in d i f f e r e n t local contexts. In a European network; Gender Inequality and the European Regions, researchers f r om d i f f e r e n t countries in Europé have come together in o r d e r to develop an u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f geographically related gender relations and conditions. The aim is to publish an Atlas of Gender Relations in Europé, which can illustrate a n d analyse regional differences in the everyday lives of women a n d men. O n e major focus is to analyse t h e way different forms of welfare systems shape t h e contexts in which women are living. One framework used is t h e six dimensions of patriarchy identified by Sylvia Walby. T h e Swedish study within this p r o j e c t compares domestic, working and political life in various districts and communities. Within the t h r e e spheres m e n t i o n e d b o t h the f o r m of local g e n d e r relations a n d the every day actions will be examined. T h e Scandinavian concept of the g e n d e r contract has become o n e i m p o r t a n t issue in the project. Are there locally constructed gender constracts? We assume that t h e r e are, since these constracts are maintained by men and women locally.
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