Skaldinnans rörelser på fältet
The poet Elsa Grave had lier public breakthrough with the collection Bortförklaring 194<S. This arlicle interprets her success in terms of Bourdieu s sociology of culture. His concept "synibolic capital" is proved usefnl for women studies. It helps in analysing how different vallies are applied to men and women. The concept of habitus is also found useful as it concentrates on the body as a social construction. The field-concept, however, might - wrongly used - easily t um into a trap. It focuses onlv public life and can thereby serve to hide vvomens reality and practice. It has to be used carefully. Grave is not a typical actor in the literary fteld. She manages to get into the avant garde position twice with a couple of years in between. She had a good symbolic capital in her university education, but in the long run she could better use her experience as a mother. Grave broke the tradition of pathetic women poets when she turnd into a grotesque style of writing. In her public image she represented the selfsufficient mother rather than the inspired muse. With her new and different habitus she introduced and broke new ways for women poets that followed.
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