Mod laboratorier for sammenlignende didaktik.
Almendidaktik og fagdidaktik i det danske uddannelselandskab
Almendidaktik, Fagdidaktik, Sammenlignende (fag)didaktik, Didaktisk metarefleksion, Didaktisering, (Fag)didaktisk etosAbstract
The article discusses how general didactics and disciplinary didactics have been construed as disciplines in teacher education in a Danish educational context. Speaking from backgrounds in respectively disciplinary didactics and general didactics, the authors argue that current social developments within the fields of knowledge and education necessitate rising above the discipline view in order to construe the two fields as meta reflective perspectives. The article documents that the fields have been described according to hierarchical disciplinary structures and claims that general didactics and disciplinary didactics should instead be viewed as independent and complementary perspectives. It further shows that both theoretical fields have developed meta reflective positions, tied to conceptions of didactics as contingency management and of disciplinary didactics as communicative didactization. Thus, the authors propose viewing general didactics and disciplinary didactics as double reflection sciences. They demonstrate that ‘laboratories of comparative (disciplinary) didactics’ have developed in Denmark, framing double reflective investigations of knowledge, subjects, teaching, learning, and education. An important point in the article is that double reflection should be viewed as a contemporary condition for both teachers and researchers, necessitating a (disciplinary) didactic ethos, i.e. a position from which engagement in action is always accompanied by reflection on the possibility of different positions and perspectives.
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