Bildung as an updated – not outdated – tradition when becoming a teacher
This essay emphasizes the essential aspects of becoming a teacher in everyday practice. Currently, neoliberal ideals and evidence-based practices significantly influence teacher education. However, several decades ago, the concept of Bildung was a predominant principle. This paper presents five approaches to Bildung in relation to education, highlighting discernible differences. For instance, critical Bildung addresses issues related to colonial patterns and global ecological thinking, whereas traditional concepts of Bildung largely reflect traditional Western values. In discussions with 22 colleagues, all of whom are university teachers involved in teacher education, it became apparent that most did not explicitly differentiate between their personal experiences as students or teachers, which involve their ingrained personal values from which some mirrors the concept of Bildung. Revisiting Bildung as a core concept in teacher education necessitates a serious discourse on human growth and development. This includes discussions on viewing learning as a lifelong pursuit versus the achievement of specific objectives, and the advantages and disadvantages of short courses versus comprehensive education and training. For example, this approach may allow some teacher educators to accompany a cohort of students throughout their educational journey.
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