Rörelse, kropp och känsla

En studie av dansrum och dansupplevelser


  • Ida Thelander Lunds universitet




dance, emotions, body movement, body


On the basis of an empirical study of dance halls and dance experiences this article attempts to discuss the potential of body movement. Body movements are essential for the perception of our physical and mental self, as well as for our relation to other people. They bring us news about the surrounding world, which appears in an abundance of emotions. Dancing can be regarded as a deliberate and playful approach way of taking possession of emotions, and for a moment perceive oneself and the surrounding world differently. Formalised dance-steps and -figures constitute a framework to discover and explore emotions that one has no immediate access to otherwise. One example of this would be the macho body expression of a Balkan performing dance.

Dancing movements have the capacity to create manifold sensations of losing and finding oneself, as well as of feeling substantial, dissolved and suspended at the same time. The joint movement with others can give rise to a feeling of expanding the limits of the individual body, and becoming merged into the surrounding world. Dance movements give access to a special world, a sensual world, where the body observes and communicates emotions and multifaceted messages.


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Ida Thelander, Lunds universitet

Ida Thelander avslutade under våren 2004 sina magisterstudier i etnologi vid Lunds universitet. Hon har också varit verksam som amanuens i forskningsprojektet SweDia 2000 med syftet att dokumentera samtida svenska dialekter, institutionen för lingvistik, Lunds universitet. Hon är intresserad av folkmusik och dans och är dansinstruktör för folkdanser från Balkan.




Referera så här

Thelander, I. (2004). Rörelse, kropp och känsla: En studie av dansrum och dansupplevelser. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 13(4), 56–66. https://doi.org/10.54807/kp.v13.29263