Gråtens världar

Perspektiv på mäns tårar


  • Åsa Alftberg Lunds universitet



crying, interpretation, self-control, men, emotions


This study, based on interviews with army officers, focuses on crying as an action, creating meanings in our interpretation of the world. The discourse of male crying includes the image of a man wanting to express himself emotionally, but unable to because of the traditional ideal of self-control. Here, I have looked upon crying as a non-reflexive "choice" of action. A man can "choose" to cry or to acknowledge the image of being able to be in control of his feelings.

Tears can be seen as a means to create and confirm a close relationship, since crying has an emotional border-crossing function, between beings and between worlds. Crying helps us to grasp a new world, suddenly opened, since we can only understand and experience the world through our emotions and moods.


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Åsa Alftberg, Lunds universitet

Åsa Alftberg är fil.kand. i etnologi. Återvände våren 2004 till Etnologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet efter några år i museivärlden och skrev en magisteruppsats som denna artikel grundar sig på. Är för närvarande studerande vid Historiska institutionen, Lunds universitet.




Referera så här

Alftberg, Åsa. (2004). Gråtens världar: Perspektiv på mäns tårar. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 13(4), 67–74.