Det excellenta universitetet


  • Anders Öhman Umeå universitet & Luleå tekniska universitet



university of culture, university of excellence, excellence, productivity, value, culture


In this article I discuss the change in the universities in Sweden in recent years. Today the trend is not to ask questions of how knowledge develops and changes immanently in different disciplines, but to ask what knowledge means for its commercial or societal use. According to Bill Readings in his book The University in Ruins, this is a change from the university of culture to the university of excellence. The university of culture belonged to an era when national culture still was regarded as the main priority for the university. In the university of excellence, which rises as a consequence of globalization, there is no such idea. The notion of excellence is empty of meaning, and its function is only to measure productivity without any consideration of content or value. It is not possible to return to the university of culture, but one should never cease to ask for content and value in the universities. This is one way to counter the university of excellence.


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Anders Öhman, Umeå universitet & Luleå tekniska universitet

Anders Öhman är professor i litteraturvetenskap. Han arbetar halvtid som föreståndare vid Centrum för studier av vetenskap och värderingar, och halvtid som professor i Svenska med didaktisk inriktning, Luleå tekniska universitet.




Referera så här

Öhman, A. (2008). Det excellenta universitetet. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 17(2), 36–40.