Publiceringsstrategier och kvalitet inom humanistisk forskning


  • Jonas Carlquist Umeå universitet



academia, academic publishing, results, language, articles, monographs


This article discusses how humanistic research in Sweden can continue to establish exciting results in a new academic climate. During the last years, Swedish universities have been forced to adapt themselves to a harder economic climate where the distribution of funds has been linked to quantitative surveys of quality. This has been hard and has had implications on nearly everything, for example on how we present our results in editions that can undergo a bibliometric survey. In Sweden, humanistic scholars often have published their results in monographs, written in Swedish. This will not change, but in the article, I argue that we also must present our research in international peer review magazines. This is important because of at least three things, first, our results become more visible, second, our results become more widely available, and third, our academic qualifications become more strengthened. But if this will be reality, there must eb an easier way to review the language as English is not our mother-tongue.


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Jonas Carlquist, Umeå universitet

Jonas Carlquist är professor i nordiska språk vid Umeå universitet, verksam främst inom medeltidsforskning kring texter från Vadstena kloster, men har även arbetat med andra typer av texter, t.ex. datorspel. Han är sedan 2005 prodekanus vid den humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet. Bland hans publikationer kan nämnas Vadstenasystrarnas textvärld. Studier i systrarnas skriftbrukskompetens, lärdom och textförståelse (2007) Medieval Manuscripts, Hypertext and Reading. Visions of Digital Editions (i Literacy and Linguistic Computing 2004), samt Playing the Story — Computer Games as a Narrative Genre (i Human IT 3/2002).




Referera så här

Carlquist, J. (2008). Publiceringsstrategier och kvalitet inom humanistisk forskning. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 17(2), 47–53.