Naturens lov

Slaveri, terror og menneskerettigheder i lyset af Olympe de Gouges' L'esclavage de nègres, ou l'heureux naufrage (1789)


  • Jonas Ross Kjærgård



Olympe de Gouges, slavery, human rights, the concept of nature, the French Revolution


The Law of Nature. Slavery, Terror, and Human Rights in Light of L’esclavage des nègres, ou l’heureux naufrage (1789) by Olympe de Gouges
The article analyzes Olympe de Gouges’ play L’esclavage des nègres, ou l’heureux naufrage (1789) and focus on its ambiguous concept of a law of nature. I distinguish between an inclusive, universal nature and an exclusive, particular understanding of nature, and aim to demonstrate how this equivocal concept mirrors a continuity between, on the one hand, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), and, on the other hand, the legislation of Robespierre’s Terror regime. Hence, as opposed to recent works on the human rights of the enlightenment by scholars such as Lynn Hunt and Jonathan Israel, I draw inspiration from Susan Maslan and Dan Edelstein and argue that the human rights of the eighteenth century testify to an unsolved problem of the limits of inclusion. This has important implications for the question of slavery. Instead of arguing an all-out abolition of slavery in the French colonies, Olympe de Gouges promotes an idea of order in the colonies. Basically, the principle of slavery is withheld while the concrete praxis of slavery is criticized.



Jonas Ross Kjærgård

Jonas Ross Kjærgård er ph.d.-studerende ved afdeling for Litteraturhistorie, Aarhus Universitet. Han arbejder på et kulturhistorisk projekt om Menneskerettighedserklæringens tilblivelse og reception i Frankrig fra revolutionens udbrud til Napoleon Bonapartes magtovertagelse. Seneste publikationer er ”The Community of Rights. Human Rights and the Concept of Nature in the Context of the French Revolution and the Terror” i Akademisk kvarter/Academic Quarter 2012:5 og ”Tigere og det menneskelige fællesskab. Dyremetaforik som politisk dehumaniseringsstrategi” i Semikolon 2012:24.




Referera så här

Ross Kjærgård , J. (2013). Naturens lov: Slaveri, terror og menneskerettigheder i lyset af Olympe de Gouges’ L’esclavage de nègres, ou l’heureux naufrage (1789). Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap, 43(1), 67–79.


