Skriva för intrigen?

Några tankar om forskaren som författare


  • Annelie Bränström Öhman



Creative academic writing, emotions, feminist theory, excellens, new-utilitarism


Writing for the Plot? Thoughts on Academics as Writers

In one of her books, bell hooks concludes: “All academics write, but not all see themselves as writers.” This paradoxical dilemma is the starting point for this article, which aims to explore and challenge the notion of academic writing and knowledge production as rational, un-gendered and disembodied intellectual activity. Against the backdrop of neoliberal research policies, with their accelerating demands for marketable and measurable results, it is perhaps more import than ever to claim, in the words of Martha C. Nussbaums, “faculties of thought and imagination” as the crucial but unquantifiable core of humanistic education and research. This article argues that the very naming of the practices and skills required for scholarly work affects our understanding of them in terms of professional competence and scientific authority. Furthermore, these normative thought patterns on what academic writing is; who performs it and how it is done often also reveals a hierarchized dichotomy between scientific and literary writing. What would happen if scholars in literary studies would ask themselves not only how, for instance, poetry can be theorized, but also how theory can be ‘poeticized’? Would it possible for the scholar to adopt narrative techniques such as travesty, metaphors and plot? Is it, in short, possible to not only read but also write for the plot? Thus, in highlighting the borderlines and sites of intersection between genres as possible sites of dialogue, the article promotes a plea for a genre-transgressive, embodied and emotional view of the methodologies and epistemologies of academic writing.



Annelie Bränström Öhman

Annelie Bränström Öhman är professor i litteraturvetenskap vid Umeå universitet. Hon disputerade 1998 på avhandlingen Kärlekens ödeland. Rut Hillarp och kvinnornas fyrtiotalsmodernism (Brutus Östlings bokförlag Symposion) och har sedan dess bl.a. publicerat boken ”kärlek! och någonting att skratta åt! dessutom”. Sara Lidman och den kärleksfulla blicken (Pang Förlag, 2008). F.n. är hon sysselsatt med projektet ”Stilens munterhet. Sara Lidman och romankonsten”.




Referera så här

Bränström Öhman, A. (2012). Skriva för intrigen? : Några tankar om forskaren som författare. Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap, 42(4), 27–38.




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