About the Journal

Aims and scope

Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk etnologisk tidskrift publishes topical research in ethnology and research from related fields of cultural inquiry. From its inception, in 1992, the journal’s aim has been to offer a central platform for the publication of cultural research,  broadly construed, with the ambition to be at the forefront of new and innovative fields of research, theoretical angles and methodological discussions. We also publish special thematic sections, often in collaboration with guest editors.

Research focus

Kulturella Perspektiv welcomes articles in ethnology and related cultural disciplines and fields of inquiry. The journal publishes empirical and theoretical research articles, shorter reflection texts and opinion pieces, qualitative review articles and book reviews. Relevant themes include, but are not limited to: critical approaches to power; intersectional perspectives; narrativity; folkloristic analyses, qualitative and ethnographic methods, discourse- and cultural theory; gender perspectives and postcolonialism, as well as multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives on humans, animals and the environment. The journal invites both submissions with historical and contemporary perspectives on culture.

Language policy

In a publication landscape where Swedish as a research language is sometimes overshadowed by publications in English, Kulturella Perspektiv offers an important forum for Swedish-language research without compromising the quality-assurance of double-blind expert peer-review. By also inviting articles in Norweigan, Danish and English, the journal strives to promote the exchange of knowledge and strengthen dialogue with ethnologists and other researchers of culture in the world, not least in the Nordic region and in Europe more broadly.   


The ambition of Kulturella Perspektiv is to strengthen ethnological research and enhance the visibility of its relevance for society. The target readership of the journal, therefore, includes not only researchers and students in ethnology and other cultural disciplines, but a broader public also.

Quality and accessibility

Kulturella Perspektiv applies a rigorous double-blind peer review process; each research article is evaluated by at least two external expert reviewers before a decision on publication is made. Kulturella Perspektiv also applies a strict policy with regards to conflicts of interests, clear rules concerning authorship and  scrutinises submitted articles for plagiarism. Since 2021 the journal is available entirely via Open Access, which increases its accessibility for researchers and the general public alike. 

Publication frequency

Articles are published continuously. 

Publication fees

Kulturella Perspektiv does not charge any Article Processing Charges.

Peer-review policies 

All submissions are initially assessed by an Editor, who decides whether or not the article is suitable for peer review. Submissions considered suitable for peer review are assigned to two or more subject experts, who assess the article for clarity, validity, and sound methodology. If suitable experts external to the journal cannot be found, then members of the Editorial Board may be asked to complete a review task. 

The journal operates a double-blind peer review process, meaning that authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process. The expected time for review is six to eight weeks, although this may vary depending on reviewer availability. Reviewers are asked to provide formative and constructive feedback, even if an article is not deemed suitable for publication in the journal. 

Based on the reviewer reports the editor will make a recommendation for rejection, revise and resubmit, minor or major revisions, or acceptance. Overall editorial responsibility rests with the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, who is supported by co-editors, as well as an expert national and international Editorial Board.

In cases where an author is associated with the journal (e.g. member of the editorial group), they will be removed from all editorial tasks for that paper and accordingly another member of the team will be assigned responsibility for overseeing peer review. This is also the case if an author has a relationship with a member of the editorial group that may constitute a conflict of interest. Any known competing interests must also be declared within the submission and in any potential resulting publication. 

As a general rule, the journal prioritises the publication of articles not previously published. The journal is, however, happy to accept submissions of papers that have been presented at conferences, or other informal communication channels on the condition that the author is willing to revise the paper after peer- and/or editorial review. This is also the case if a version of the article has been published in a pre-print server or a personal website. These formats will not be considered prior publications. Authors must retain copyright to such postings. If such a publication is accepted, authors are encouraged to link any prior postings of their paper to the final published version in the journal. Kulturella Perspektiv may also accept submissions which have previously been published in another language.


For many years, Kulturella Perspektiv has been published with the financial support of several different funders, including the Swedish Research Council (VR), Royal Skyttean Society and Carlssons Bokförlag. Single special issues have also been financed by the Faculty of Arts Doctoral College at Umeå University. The digital version of the journal has been made possible by financial support from the following ethnology research environments: Gothenburg University; Lund University; Stockholm University; Södertörn University; Umeå University, and Åbo Akademi University.

The journal’s economy is run by the association Föreningen Kulturella Perspektiv (org.no. 894002-7843).


Gothenburg university

Lund University

Stockholm University

Södertörn University

Umeå University

Åbo Akademi University

Journal History

Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk etnologisk tidskrift (Cultural Perspectives – Swedish Ethnological journal) was founded at Umeå University in 1992. Ever since it has constituted an important platform for ethnological research and research in related disciplines and fields of inquiry. Roger Jacobsson, founding editor and formative in shaping the journal, was Editor-in-Chief between 1992 and 2020. His work was supported by an editorial committee based at Umeå University as well as the association Föreningen Kulturella Perspektiv. During these years, the journal published around 900 research articles and other texts by approximately 700 authors. During these years, Kulturella Perspektiv has managed to capture both timely and unexpected research topics, sometimes in the form of special issues with guest editors. From  2004, the journal has been listed in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals (level 1). Up until 2020, the journal was published in paper format, with four issues per year.

In 2021, professor Jenny Gunnarsson Payne took office as the new Editor-in-Chief, together with the co-editors professor Anna Sofia Lundgren, Dr. Kim Silow Kallenberg and Dr. Evelina Liliequist. In order to maintain the relevance of the journal and increase its availability, Kulturella Perspektiv has transformed itself into a fully Open Access digital publication. This transition was made possible through technological support and advice by the National Library of Sweden and their platform for digital journals.

Throughout the journal’s history, its main language for publication has been Swedish, with some texts occasionally appearing in other Scandinavian languages and English. After its transition to digital publication, Kulturella Perspektiv continues to defend the the right and possibility for academic texts to be written and published in Swedish. At the same time, it strives for an increased international exchange between Swedish ethnology and researchers writing in other languages. Inviting articles in Danish, Norweigan and English thereby contributes to strengthening the journal’s role as a platform for knowledge exchange and dialogue with researchers also internationally, though specifically in the Nordic region and in Europe.  

The work of the editorial groups is supported by a stable researcher-led association and a national and an international advisory board with representatives from Swedish and Nordic ethnology departments, as well as prominent scholars from a variety of neighbouring disciplines.