The potentiality of the encounter


  • Sabine Bauer-Amin Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Aleksandra Reczuch Institute of Ethnology, Södertörn University





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Author Biography

Aleksandra Reczuch, Institute of Ethnology, Södertörn University

Sabine Bauer-Amin, PhD in Social Anthropology and affilliated Postdoc Researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences,

Aleksandra Reczuch, PhD Student in Ethnology at the Institute of Ethnology, Södertörn University,


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How to Cite

Bauer-Amin, S., & Reczuch, A. (2024). The potentiality of the encounter. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 33.



Theme: Encounter