A Little Death Around the Eyes

Heroin, kulturindustri og Pete(r) Dohertys autofiktioner


  • Sarah Holst Kjær Norwegian School of Management




auto fiction, iconology, intertextuality, non-normative masculinity, culture industry, crowd performance


This article discusses the relationship between pre-romantic Anglo-Saxon literature, iconology in late modern music industry, artistry performance and heroin abuse in Pete(r) Doherty's musical universe. Through the concept of 'autofiction' which include internet media, self-performativity, intertextuality with previous art-production in literature and music, autobiography and body, this article investigates how Doherty builds his legacy and iconology by positioning himself in a recognizable script of culturally unaccepted libertine masculinity. Still, this script is partly transgressed by installing pre-romantic notions of duality between the 'lost boy' and 'found boy'. The male figures in Doherty's texts speaks from below, and parallel to, a patriarchal hierarchy, which is why his lyrics are interpreted as a way to debate norms and ideals in a bourgeoisie society.


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Author Biography

Sarah Holst Kjær, Norwegian School of Management

Sarah Holst Kjær, fil.dr. i etnologi og postdoktor ved Senter for opplevelsesøkonomi, BI- Norwegian School of Management, Kristiansand, Norge. Forsker i forholdet mellem kulturarv, populærkultur og kulturindustri med et specifikt fokus på performansen af sociale følelser. Senest udgav hun boken Sådan er et at elske. En kulturanalyse af parforhold, 2009, København (Museum Tusculanums Forlag).




How to Cite

Holst Kjær, S. (2009). A Little Death Around the Eyes: Heroin, kulturindustri og Pete(r) Dohertys autofiktioner. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 18(3-4), 70–80. https://doi.org/10.54807/kp.v18.28333