Hemmastadd i staden?

Aymaratalande migranter i La Paz, Bolivia


  • Charlotta Widmark Stockholms universitet




Aymara speaker, migrants, La Paz, home, belonging, identification, social relations


In this article, the process of urban migration and what is considered "home" for migrants in Bolivia is discussed. I explore the meaning of "home" as a sense of belonging and identification connected to social relations rather than to a place or a house in a physical sense. In the process of setting into place, ideas related to the concept of "home" become important. In this process the migrants' embodied experiences from the rural areas are manifested in new ways in a creative process. For urban Aymara speakers, a sense of belonging is formed through new social relations based on traditional ideals and practices in interplay with the values of the dominant society in the city in a continuous process of change.


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Author Biography

Charlotta Widmark, Stockholms universitet

Charlotta Widmark är fil.dr i kulturantropologi. För närvarande arbetar hon som forskare och informationsansvarig vid Latinamerika-institutet vid Stockholms universitet. Hon disputerade 2003 på avhandlingen To Make Do in the City. Social Identities and Cultural Transformations among Aymara Speakers in La Paz. En efterföljande studie behandlar genus och etnicitet i det bolivianska mångkulturella nationella projektet. Hon har tillsammans med Staffan Löfving redigerat Banners of Belonging. Indigenous Politics of Identity (2002).




How to Cite

Widmark, C. (2006). Hemmastadd i staden? Aymaratalande migranter i La Paz, Bolivia. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 15(1), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.54807/kp.v15.28921