Allt é skit


  • Petter Karlsson



kängpunkare, punk, music, punk ideology, emotional advantages


This article is about a youth/counterculture located in the southern part of Sweden and in Copenhagen that consist of what I call Kängpunkare. Kängpunkarna can be found elsewhere, but I wanted to study the people located here (where I live and work) in specific. The word derives from the Swedish term for the music that these people listen to, "kängpunk" (in English usually known as "d-beat punk", or "rawpunk"). It is not in the first hand a study of this kind of music, as much as about the people that live this music. Every aspect of their lives becomes permeated by punk ideology and senses. It is a culture that promotes decrepit, that sings strictly about how terribly bad things in society are and that has developed cultural strategies to survive happily with the economic limits that this kind of attitude to life has to offer. In the article I make comparisons to how some people respond to war and war-like situations, as an existential experience that can be used to gain emotional advantages.


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Author Biography

Petter Karlsson

Petter Karlsson, fil.mag, är tjugosju år och har som ambition att utbilda sig till gymnasielärare. Han skriver f.n. på en bok om avfall, mänskligt och materiellt. Utöver det jobbar han som konstruktionsarbetare, samt som sushikock på en restaurang i Lund. På fritiden spelar han bas i bandet Punkhell.




How to Cite

Karlsson, P. (2004). Allt é skit. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 13(4), 42–48.



Research Articles