Author Guidelines

Online Submissions

Kulturella Perspektiv does not charge any Article Processing Charges.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts online. Step-by-step instructions are available during the submission process. The Editorial Office may be contacted for guidance:

Kulturella Perspektiv welcomes the following types of articles: Research Articles, Review Articles, Book Reviews and Reflections.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be complete and follow the stated limit in length (full-length articles), but do not need to be formatted. When submitting after revision, the text must follow the instructions below. Please note that revised manuscripts that fail to meet our author guidelines may result in a delay in our production and may therefore be rejected. Therefore, we kindly ask you to read the guidelines carefully before submitting your manuscript.


  1. Unless otherwise specified, articles shall cover a maximum of 4000-6000 words, including notes and reference list.
  2. The complete manuscript shall be written with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman size 12, and have straight margins.
  3. New paragraph is marked with spaces.
  4. Accentuations are made using italics (not bold or underlined).
  5. In the body text, titles of books, magazines, newspapers or films are italicized. Mentioned articles or chapters are enclosed in quotation marks.
  6. Use double quotes ("xxx") for quotes and single ('xxx') for quotes inside quotes.
  7. The body text should not contain abbreviations, but these should be printed (among other things, that is, with several, for example, and so on). In notes and reference brackets, abbreviations are ok. Also make sure that acronyms are explained the first time they are mentioned.
  8. Use footnotes only for explanatory text.

NOTE! Submitted manuscripts must be anonymised. Also check that the author information has been deleted in the Word file (under the tab File > Properties > Summary).

Abstracts and author bio

Abstracts are uploaded as separate files (maximum length of 150 words). Also specify 3-5 keywords.

A short author bio is added in the same document. It should contain name, position, affiliation, and research interests.


1.Headings and subheadings are written in bold and left-aligned.
2. It must be clear what is the main heading and subheading.
3. Avoid too many heading levels.
4. Do not number headings.


  1. Quotes are written in the same font, size and shape as other text.
  2. Short quotations are written inside the body text with double quotation marks.
  3. Quotes longer than two lines are written with the same font and text size as other text, but as a new paragraph with a blank line before and with indents on both sides. The quote should be written in regular style, no quotation marks, not italics. At the end of the quotation, the reference is written before the paragraph (Ehn & Löfgren 2001: 98).  NOTE! There should be a blank line between the quote and the continuation of the text.
  4. Quotes are preferably translated to Swedish, but quotes in their original language is okay.

References in body text

  1. Kulturella Perspektiv uses the Harvard system.
  2. If a parenthesis contains several references, put these chronological order, oldest first. Page entry is by colon.
  • One author, one work: (Ehn 1981: 103).
  • One author, several works: (Ehn 1981, 1986).
  • Two authors: (Ehn & Klein 1989).
  • More than two authors: (Ehn, Frykman & Löfgren 1993).
  • References to several works: (Ehn 1981; Martinsson 2006; Wollin Elhouar 2014).

How to write references:

A book by an individual author
Ehn, Billy (1981). Arbetets flytande gränser: En fabriksstudie. Stockholm: Prisma.

A book with several authors
Ehn, Billy & Klein, Barbro (1989). Etnologiska beskrivningar. Stockholm: Carlsson.

Martinsson, Lena & Reimers, Eva (red) (2008). Skola i normer. Malmö: Gleerups.

Journal article
Ahmed, Sara (2007). En fenomenologi av vithet. Feminist Theory 8 (2), 149–168.

Chapter in an anthology
Lindqvist, Mats (2017). Marxism i etnologisk forskningspraktik. I: Gunnarsson Payne, Jenny & Öhlander, Magnus (red) Tillämpad kulturteori. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Article in newspaper
Eskilsson, Lena (2018). En hoppfull hyllning till aktivism. Västerbottens-Kuriren 18 September 2018.

Report published online
HSSL (2009). Hållbara bygder. 26 förflutna ställer om till en hållbar framtid. Stockholm: Hela Sverige ska leva! upload / HSSL_Kansli / PDF / Vaara_arbetsomraaden / Haallbara_bygder / hallbara_bygder.pdf [2 sept 2020].

Make a new submission to one of the following sections:

Research Articles, Review Articles, Book Reviews, Reflections and debate