Theme Sections

Instructions for guest editors

Kulturella Perspektiv welcomes proposals for theme sections. Some information and short instructions for the person who commits to act as guest editor follows below.

Scope and style

The articles in Kulturella Perspektiv normally have a word count of approximately 4000-6000 in total. A theme section must contain at least three, but normally not more than eight, research articles as well as a guest editor's introduction. Book reviews and/or debate- and reflection articles may also be included. Articles must follow Kulturella Perspektiv’s instructions for authors. Kulturella Perspektiv is primarily aimed at the scholarly community of ethnologists and cultural analysts more broadly, but also at a wider interested audience. We know that many students read the journal as part of their education. This does not mean that articles may not deal with complex phenomena, but it is important that the prose in which they are written is not unnecessarily complicated.  

Peer review

The journal works with a peer review process, which means that each research article is reviewed by at least two referees. Kulturella Perspektiv applies double-blind peer review, which means that authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other throughout the whole process. The review is conducted online via a manuscript management system, and it is the guest editors’ responsibility to make sure that this is conducted correctly. We would like to remind prospective guest editors that the peer review process can be time consuming, and that it therefore is important to contact reviewers in good time. Kulturella Perspektiv uses a specific online form for reviewers to take into consideration in their assessment.    

Responsibility for articles, images, ethics etc.

Authors are themselves responsible for ensuring that there are appropriate permits for the research they report in their manuscripts (e.g., approved ethics vetting when so legally required), as well as permissions to publish any images or photographs. Authors are also responsible for following general ethical guidelines, as established by the scientific community (e.g., The Swedish Research Council and The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity). We encourage guest editors to remind the authors about this.   


For discussions on time plan, budget, or other issues – please stay in touch with Kulturella Perspektiv’s editorial team.