Ett neuropedagogiskt ideal på lärares kompetensutvecklingsmarknad
Kännetecken, konsekvenser och kritik
The invoice project, Continuing professional development (CPD), Pedagogic modality, NeuroeducationAbstract
The aim of this article is to examine the increased focus on neuroeducational content in teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) and to further explore its characteristics and consequences for teaching. The empirical material is based on 236 invoices representing CPD and other material that followed from extended studies of, primarily, identified CPD actors’ webpages. The cluster of characteristics is presented as a pedagogic modality based on concepts and phenomena from the sociologist of education Basil Bernstein; selection, organization, evaluation, classification and framing. The pedagogic modality is finally discussed, and critiqued, not least regarding its consequences for teachers and students. The overall conclusion is that a neuroeducational modality brings several potential risks, not least concerning conditions for teachers and students.
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