Inordning och uppror

Om det ambivalenta förhållandet till traditionen i modern svensk arbetarlitteratur


  • Magnus Nilsson



Swedish Working-Class Literature, Tradition, Class


Fitting in and Rebelling: On the Ambivalence towards Tradition in Modern Swedish Working-Class Literature

This article analyzes the ambivalent attitude of several Swedish working-class writers towards the tradition of working-class literature during the period 1945–2010. To certain extent, this ambivalence is a product of some aspects of the general symbolic economy in the field of literary production. Primarily, however, it is the result of conditions specific to Swedish working-class literature. Working-class writers often motivate their membership to the tradition of workingclass literature in terms of the tradition’s legitimizing of radical class discourses both within and beyond the field of literature. At the same time, however, the subaltern status of this tradition often makes its conventions for literary representations of class appear aesthetically and politically unsatisfactory. Furthermore, over time, the general cultural production of class on a societal level necessitates a break with the class-political literary strategies developed within the tradition of working-class literature.


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Magnus Nilsson

Magnus Nilsson är docent i litteraturvetenskap och verksam vid K3, Malmö högskola. Hans huvudsakliga forskningsintressen är svensk arbetarlitteratur och frågor om litteratur och klass. Hans publikationer inkluderar Den moderne Ivar Lo-Johansson (2003), Arbetarlitteratur (2006) och Den föreställda mångkulturen (2010). F.n. arbetar han med forskningsprojektet ”Klass i svensk arbetarlitteratur 1945–2010”, som finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet.




Referera så här

Nilsson, M. (2012). Inordning och uppror: Om det ambivalenta förhållandet till traditionen i modern svensk arbetarlitteratur. Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap, 42(1), 49–62.




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