Narrativ kompetens

En förutsättning i multimodala textuniversum?


  • Stefan Lundström
  • Christina Olin-Scheller



narrative competence, multi modality, textual universe, convergence culture, collective intelligence, fan fiction, role playing games


Narrative Competence – a Necessary Qualification in Multi Modal Text Universe?

Today’s media landscape is characterized by convergence culture, where the formats and the distribution of a narrative come together and create extensive multi modal text universe. At the same time the traditional division between producer and consumer is challenged. With examples from fan fiction and role playing games, the article discusses the notion of narrative competence as a possible way of understanding and describing the participation in multi modal text universe. Some of the things that characterize narrative competence are social interplay in a collective intelligence, to be able to discern plots and make creative imitations and to develop a meta reflective ability to be able to meet, try and understand one’s own reactions. One of the conclusions in the article is that if school education wishes to be experienced as relevant among students, it should include narrative competence. At the same time it will also increase the possibilities of reaching democratic goals.



Stefan Lundström

Stefan Lundström är fil dr i svenska med didaktisk inriktning och lektor vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Hans avhandling handlar om urvalsprinciper för fiktionstexter i gymnasieskolans svenskämne.

Christina Olin-Scheller

Christina Olin-Scheller är lektor i pedagogiskt arbete vid Karlstads universitet. I sin avhandling Mellan Dante och Big Brother. En studie om gymnasieelevers textvärldar (2006) diskuterar hon ungdomars läsande på fritiden och i skolan utifrån ett vidgat textbegrepp.




Referera så här

Lundström, S., & Olin-Scheller, C. (2010). Narrativ kompetens: En förutsättning i multimodala textuniversum?. Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap, 40(3-4), 107–117.

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